ICP DAS - Serial Convertors
Serial convertors provide conversion between USB, RS232, RS485 and RS422 standards. RS485 and RS422 are more preferred in industrial applications since these standards achieve relaible communications over longer distances when compared to RS232 and USB. Auto direction control and isolation are "musts" for industrial signal convertors.
By reconditioning RS232, RS485 and RS422 data signals, serial repeaters enable longer communication distances. Isolation and auto direction control for RS485 are "must" features for industrial serial repeaters. Models with 3 way isolation and HUBs with star wiring support are also available.
ETHERNET to serial convertors make devices with only serial ports accessiable through TCP/IP over ETHERNET networks. Models available with different types and numbers of serial ports. Convertors provide access to serial devices by direct connections to TCP/UDP ports or by totally transparent serial port simulation provided by VXCOM software.
These convertors provide conversion from USB, RS232, RS485 and RS422 standards to CAN and CANopen standards. Isolation and auto direction control for RS485 are standard features. Models with CAN 2.0A, CAN 2.0B, ISO 11898-2 and CiA DS 301 V4.02 compliance are available.
HART standard becomes widely used in industry every day and it provides reliable data communicaitons over 20 mA analog current signal loops. Using HART convertors, systems with USB, RS232, RS485 and RS422 ports can easily communicate with the process equipment having HART communications capabilities.
PROFIBUS-DP is an indispensable industrial communications standard. PROFIBUS convertors enable devices with no PROFIBUS-DP capability to appear as slaves on PROFIBUS-DP network. These devices can have RS232, RS485, RS422 or ETHERNET ports. New models are added every other day in order to expand the supported comms standards.
Fiberoptic convertos expand RS232, RS485, RS422, CAN and other types of connecitons to longer distances with reliable and error-free communications at higher data rates. Galvanic isolation nature of fiberoptic connection also provides an advantage against surges and shocks.